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          OF THE BOX

Cardboard Prototype

The original question inspiring this project was

"How much can you remove or alter a 6 x 6 cube and still imply the original form? "

My focus for this project were elements like repetition, variation, balance and movement. 

In keeping with the original form of a cube, I tried to keep sharp lines and corners while incorporating elements to keep the eye moving around the piece. The final foam core project was time consuming because it was important to pay attention to details and develop the design in order to create a unified structure.

Cube One is a good example of a refined design of my simple cardboard rough drafts. For Cubes Two and Three, I decided to create a series based on elements I liked in the design process. I created the outlines of the cubes and designed various triangular prisms to suspend within these cubes. To keep the cubes more open and to create flow through the design, I suspended them with fishing line. This emphasized the movement I was aiming for in my design because the triangular prisms can swing back and forth on the wire. I also decided to stack the cubes on top of one another to create more diagonal lines and balance within the composition.



foam core, hot glue, bristol paper, fishing line, wire, metal washers(for stability)


cube one: 6" x 6" x 6"

cubes two and three series: 6" x 6" x 1.5'

Cube One
Cubes Two
and Three
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